Claudia Castellani, PhD.
Claudia Castellani, PhD.
Stazione Zoologica Anthon Dohrn, Napoli
No hay ninguna dirección de correo electrónico verificada.
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The North Atlantic Ocean as habitat for Calanus finmarchicus: Environmental factors and life history traits
W Melle, J Runge, E Head, S Plourde, C Castellani, P Licandro, J Pierson, ...
Progress in Oceanography 129, 244-284, 2014
Bridging the gap between marine biogeochemical and fisheries sciences; configuring the zooplankton link
A Mitra, C Castellani, WC Gentleman, SH Jónasdóttir, KJ Flynn, A Bode, ...
Progress in Oceanography 129, 176-199, 2014
Feeding and egg production of Oithona similis in the North Atlantic
C Castellani, X Irigoien, RP Harris, RS Lampitt
Marine Ecology Progress Series 288, 173-182, 2005
Is there a decline in marine phytoplankton?
A McQuatters-Gollop, PC Reid, M Edwards, PH Burkill, C Castellani, ...
Nature 472 (7342), E6-E7, 2011
Temperature affects respiration rate of Oithona similis
C Castellani, C Robinson, T Smith, RS Lampitt
Marine Ecology Progress Series 285, 129-135, 2005
Are Calanus spp. shifting poleward in the North Atlantic? A habitat modelling approach
G Chust, C Castellani, P Licandro, L Ibaibarriaga, Y Sagarminaga, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (2), 241-253, 2014
Marine Plankton: A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy
C Castellani, M Edwards
Oxford University Press, 2017
Feeding of Calanus finmarchicus and Oithona similis on the microplankton assemblage in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic
C Castellani, X Irigoien, DJ Mayor, RP Harris, D Wilson
Journal of Plankton Research 30 (10), 1095-1116, 2008
Feeding of Calanus finmarchicus nauplii in the Irminger Sea
X Irigoien, J Titelman, RP Harris, D Harbour, C Castellani
Marine Ecology Progress Series 262, 193-200, 2003
Seasonal variation in egg morphology and hatching success in the calanoid copepods Temora longicornis, Acartia clausi and Centropages hamatus
C Castellani, IAN Lucas
Journal of Plankton Research 25 (5), 527-537, 2003
Regional and temporal variation of Oithona spp. biomass, stage structure and productivity in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic
C Castellani, X Irigoien, RP Harris, NP Holliday
Journal of Plankton Research 29 (12), 1051-1070, 2007
Long-term declining trend of zooplankton biomass in the Tropical Atlantic
SA Piontkovski, C Castellani
Hydrobiologia 632, 365-370, 2009
Genome‐ and transcriptome‐assisted development of nuclear insertion/deletion markers for Calanus species (Copepoda: Calanoida) identification
I Smolina, S Kollias, M Poortvliet, TG Nielsen, P Lindeque, C Castellani, ...
Molecular ecology resources 14 (5), 1072-1079, 2014
Can a key boreal Calanus copepod species now complete its life-cycle in the Arctic? Evidence and implications for Arctic food-webs
GA Tarling, JJ Freer, NS Banas, A Belcher, M Blackwell, C Castellani, ...
Ambio 51, 333-344, 2022
Community structure and grazing impact of mesozooplankton during late spring/early summer 2004/2005 in the vicinity of the Crozet Islands (Southern Ocean)
S Fielding, P Ward, RT Pollard, S Seeyave, JF Read, JA Hughes, T Smith, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (18-20), 2106-2125, 2007
Oithona similis likes it cool: evidence from two long-term time series
C Castellani, P Licandro, E Fileman, I Di Capua, MG Mazzocchi
Journal of Plankton Research 38 (3), 703-717, 2016
Factors controlling the temporal dynamics of egg production in the copepod Temora longicornis
C Castellani, Y Altunbas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 308, 143-153, 2006
Seasonality of Oithona similis and Calanus helgolandicus reproduction and abundance: contrasting responses to environmental variation at a shelf site
LE Cornwell, HS Findlay, ES Fileman, TJ Smyth, AG Hirst, JT Bruun, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 40 (3), 295-310, 2018
Morphological and genetic variation in the North Atlantic copepod, Centropages typicus
C Castellani, AJ Lindley, M Wootton, CM Lee, RR Kirby
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 92 (1 …, 2012
Seasonal change in acclimatised respiration rate of Temora longicornis
C Castellani, Y Altunbaş
Marine Ecology Progress Series 500, 83-101, 2014
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