Beatriz Carely Luna Olivera
Beatriz Carely Luna Olivera
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Antagonism influences assembly of a Bacillus guild in a local community and is depicted as a food-chain network
RA Pérez-Gutiérrez, V López-Ramírez, A Islas, LD Alcaraz, ...
The ISME Journal 7 (3), 487-497, 2013
The Regulatory Network of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
E Galán-Vásquez, B Luna, A Martínez-Antonio
Microbial informatics and experimentation 1, 1-11, 2011
Backward bifurcation for some general recovery functions
G Villavicencio Pulido, I Barradas, B Luna
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40 (5), 1505-1515, 2017
Regulatory dynamics of standard two-component systems in bacteria
BCL Olivera, E Ugalde, A Martínez-Antonio
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264 (2), 560-569, 2010
RegulomePA: a database of transcriptional regulatory interactions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
E Galán-Vásquez, BC Luna-Olivera, M Ramírez-Ibáñez, ...
Database 2020, baaa106, 2020
Coulson integral formula for the vertex energy of a graph
O Arizmendi, BC Luna-Olivera, MR Ibáñez
Linear Algebra and its Applications 580, 166-183, 2019
Spatiotemporal co-occurrence of predators and prey in a neotropical mammal community in southern Mexico
RE Galindo-Aguilar, BC Luna-Olivera, M Ramírez-Ibáñez, MC Lavariega
Journal of Tropical Ecology 38 (5), 285-294, 2022
Proximity and density of neighboring farms and water supply, as risk factors for bacteriosis: A case study of spatial risk analysis in tilapia and rainbow trout farms of Oaxaca …
L Guerrero-Cabrera, BCL Olivera, JG Villavicencio-Pulido, RJO Luna
Aquaculture 520, 734955, 2020
Spatiotemporal Coexistence of Mesopredators and Their Prey in a Defaunated Neotropical Rainforest
JJ Flores-Martínez, R Coates, V Sánchez-Cordero, JA Ríos-Solís, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 15, 19400829221084261, 2022
Spatial chaos of traveling waves has a given velocity
B Fernandez, B Luna, E Ugalde
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (2 …, 2009
Epileptic brain reorganization dynamics on the basis of the probability of connections
A Espinoza-Valdez, AA González-Garrido, B Luna, G Solís-Perales, ...
Neuroreport 27 (1), 1-5, 2016
Structural comparison of biological networks based on dominant vertices
B Luna, E Galán-Vásquez, E Ugalde, A Martínez-Antonio
Molecular BioSystems 9 (7), 1765-1773, 2013
Dominant vertices in regulatory networks dynamics
B Luna, E Ugalde
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 237 (21), 2685-2695, 2008
Comparative study of the indoor apparent temperature of dwellings with different roofing in the Lower Papaloapan River Basin region
BL César García-Arellano, Marcelino Ramírez-Ibáñez
Indoor and Built Environment, 2021
Network analysis and disease subnets for the SARS-CoV-2/Human interactome
B Luna, M Ramírez, E Galán
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06035, 2020
An epidemiological model with multiple endemic states
G Villavicencio-Pulido, I Barradas, L Beatriz
Journal of Biological Systems 23 (supp01), S17-S31, 2015
Desarrollo de las úlceras en el pie diabético-Development of diabetic foot ulcers
AE Valdez, BCL Olivera, GS Perales
ReCIBE, Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y …, 2014
Desarrollo de las úlceras en el pie diabético
AE Valdez, BCL Olivera, GS Perales
ReCIBE. Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y Electrónica, 2014
2. Description of gene regulatory networks in three bacterial models: Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
E Galán-Vásquez, B Luna, A Martínez-Antonio
Recent Res. Dev. Microbiol 12, 19-39, 2012
Co-occurrence networks analysis to infer avoidance behaviours in coexisting mammalian communities
BC Luna-Olivera, M Ramírez-Ibáñez, R Elena, MCL Galindo-Aguilar
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 2024
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Articles 1–20